Ground illusionz – Art in Motion

Posted On: November 10, 2011

April 09, 2011 Fat Laces conducted it’s first duel interview on FrostFlow and Ground illusionz at a practice session in Mississauga.

Ground illusionz – Art in Motion is the second interview conducted for the day. This interview profiles a few members of Gi and their experiences as a multitalented crew. Ground illusionz approaches battles, community works and performances as artist… leaving a lasting impression while inspiring people to innovate. Participants included FrostFlow, FreshFx, Twelve, Matt Device, Volume & Burn.

Members that make up this diverse crew which started in 1999 now covers the GTA and the world over. Ground illusionz membership includes:

FrostFlow, Knuckles, FreshFX, Flyte, Rubexcube, Polo, NeoGeo, krazybones, JGar, twelve, Surreal, Rush, Ways, Nomad, SpookYumi, Ryde Roc, JBugz, Fate, DJ Frequency, Larry D, Burn, Moon, Jello, Volume, Polar kev, Illz, Jurock, Matt Device, Phade, Andama, Express, Tiny Touch, Moe Rock, Chance, Titan, Bubz

Ground illusionz affiliate crews

1ne Unit Tribe (Canada)

Outer Limits (Korea)

Flow Kicks (Japan)

Check out Ground illusionz on their blog at:

Contact FrostFlow at:

Music Contribution by: Circle Research
Check them out at :